“We are Greeks of the diaspora par excellence, therefore it was impossible for us to refuse to contribute to supporting the conference, which concerns the Greek doctors and scientists of the diaspora” said Georgios Sofianos.
The CEO of SOFMEDICA GROUP, George Sofianos, attended the 1st World Greek Diaspora Medical Congress, which took place within the framework of the “Aristotle Medical Forum”, from Friday (15/07) to Sunday (17/07/2022), in Thessaloniki.
Mr. Sofianos spoke about the decision for the Group to support the conference, in practice and at sponsorship level.
“We are a group which was founded and grown abroad. We started our business outside of Greece and then expanded into Greece, so we can say that we are Greeks of the diaspora par excellence, both as citizens and as investors and entrepreneurs. Therefore, it was impossible to deny our input and contribution to the organization, in support of the conference, which concerns the Greek doctors and scientists of the diaspora” he said.
In fact, he referred to the operation of the first English-language undergraduate program in Medicine at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH):
“It is very encouraging that here in Thessaloniki, under the auspices of the Aristotle University, the first foreign language Medicine program was launched, which is aimed at students from abroad and of course it had a great appeal to the children of the Greek diaspora, who chose Greece as a place to study and learn Medical science. Therefore, we wanted in this way to support and show our help in practice for the courage that Aristotle University and the School of Medicine had to do things differently.”
Referring to the mission of SOFMEDICA, Mr. Sofianos noted:
“We are trying to bridge the gap that exists in terms of technologies, between Western Europe, North America and our own region, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. We always try, the moment a medical technology is available in New York, London, etc., the company to bring it immediately, on the same terms and with the same support, so that it also becomes available in Athens, Budapest, Bucharest or Sofia”.
As for the contribution of the Conference and its development, he estimated that scientists from abroad and distinguished Greek doctors of the diaspora can, apart from the technology itself, also support the dissemination of knowledge. By teaching and practicing Medicine in large hospitals and universities abroad, through the conference the opportunity is also given to the collaborations that can arise, allowing them to channel the knowledge to the place from where they come.