International Recognition Award by GIWA for Mrs. Catherine Sofianou, President of SOFMEDICA Group

We are very proud to announce that recently, Mrs. Catherine Sofianou, President of SOFMEDICA Group, nominated by the Secretary General of Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy, Prof. Ioannis Chrysoulakis, was awarded the International Recognition Award during the second edition of the Greek International Women Awards (GIWA) organized under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic.

At the beginning of the event, the President of the Republic, H.E. Mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou addressed a greeting. Mrs. Sakellaropoulou spoke with the warmest words about Mrs. Sofianou and the great work she has been doing for several decades in the field of business, but most importantly in the field of charity.

Mrs. Sofianou’s own speech revolved around the message: “I strongly believe that for those of us who are engaged in business, the concept of giving back must be as important as that of profit. Out of my entire career, the highlights I often recall are never those of having a larger balance sheet or paying more dividends. Not even those of awards and prizes. They are always associated with the expression of a cordial, sincere “Thank you!” from those I helped in one way or another.”

We are deeply grateful for Mrs. Sofianou’s visionary spirit and extremely honored to be a small part of her incredible story!

We invite you to read more about the event here.