Dr. Dimitrie Capsa
Dr. Dimitrie Capşa

SOFMEDICA Group, through EMERALD MEDICAL CENTER and SOFMEDICA Life-saving Innovation, announces the launch of the 2nd edition of the “Dr. Dimitrie Capşa” scholarships, with more opportunities for eminent medical students and outstanding resident physicians, as well as for students at the Faculty of Medical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest. For the 2022 – 2023 edition, 9 private scholarships will be awarded, the 5 established initially plus an extra 4 which will go to residents in the fields of surgery, cardiology, neurology, and oncology.

„The results achieved by these young people and the passion with which they devote themselves to science at an age at which they can easily become prey to so many other temptations, are remarkable and worthy of admiration.” said Dr. Răzvan Capșa, Chairman of the selection committee. The program aims to support young healthcare professionals in Romania to continue the path opened by Dr. Dimitrie Capşa, who dedicated his entire career to bringing innovation in the healthcare system for the benefit of the patients, besides majorly contributing to the professional development of the younger generations of physicians.

The stages of the competition:

  • Application registration period: February 15 – March 6, 2022;
  • Online interview: 10-12 March 2022;
  • Announcement of results: 16 March 2022.
Dr. Răzvan Capșa

Dr. Răzvan Capșa
Chairman of the Selection Committee

„The diversity of ideas, their beauty, and the intelligence they have shown represent totally impressive qualities and virtues for me. However, this would not have been possible without the awe-inspiring idea of SOFMEDICA Group, the company SOFMEDICA, and Centrul Medical Emerald to create the possibility of these Scholarships for Excellence for young people. I could say gifted without it being an excessive term.”

Andrei-Stefan Constantinescu
Graduate, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest

„The Dr. Dimitrie Capşa fellowship brought me closer to preparing and implementing a new project that aims to use innovative technologies such as 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD) to bring a new dimension to conventional medical imaging.”

Sorin Stefan Popescu
Student, General Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

„The Dr. Dimitrie Capşa fellowship was an excellent opportunity to continue my clinical research and medical training projects in both Romania and Germany.”

Gabriel – Robert PANDELE
Gabriel – Robert Pandele
Graduate, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Resident, Fundeni Clinical Hospital, Nephrology

„The fellowship Dr. Dimitrie Capşa gave me a new vision of Nephrology, the opportunity to deepen new concepts belonging to this medical sector.”

Liviu - Ioan SERBAN
Liviu-Ioan Serban
Student, General Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest

“The Dr. Dimitrie Capşa scholarship opened a new sphere of interest to me. I learned and read more about kidney replacement therapy and became interested in the application of this intensive therapy technique and nephrology within my area of interest, that is in the treatment of large burn patients.”

Alexandra ION
Alexandra Ion
Graduate, Faculty of Medical Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucharest

„The Dr. Capsa fellowship helped me prepare a work on the Evolution and innovation in nephrology, starting with the idea of regenerating the damaged or necrotic kidney tissue. I also wanted to do this with scaffolds based on materials biocompatible and similar to the tissue to be replaced.”