Easier minimally invasive technology to deliver the optimal vessel for CABG.
Endoscopic products allow clinicians to perform minimally invasive procedures through very small incisions by using an endoscope to see inside the patient’s body. Terumo manufactures the VirtuoSaph® Plus Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System, used to remove the saphenous vein or radial artery from the patient for use as a bypass graft during coronary surgery.
The VirtuoSaph® Plus System is designed to evaluate standards for patient safety, conduit quality and ergonimics. The device uses an endoscopic approach to vessel harvesting with one small incision in either the leg or arm which minimizes scarring, morbidity and infection associated with traditional longitudinal incisions.
Controls hemostasis
- Superior sealing and cutting capabilities of the V-cutter;
Precise control of when and where spot cautery is applied with one-of-its-kind integrated spot cautery, activated by the V-cautery switch.
Limits thermal spread
- The “cutting triad” – tunnel wall grounding, low wattage, and branch tautness – and a controlled distance between the V-cutter and V-keeper for simultaneous sealing and cutting of branches.
- Delivers low targeted energy at the tunnel wall, away from the main conduit.
Reduces risk of CO2 embolism and intraluminal thrombus
- “Open” system distal insufflation with non-occlusive trocar:
- Minimizes the amount of CO2 needed for tunnel maintenance.
- Minimizes contact and pressure on the vein at the incision site.
Provides space in the tunnel for increased visibility
- Consistently delivers CO2 at the tip, where it counts.
Atraumatic dissecting and harvesting
- Atraumatic conical dissector tip with centering rings allows the clinician to monitor the location of the dissector cone tip relative to the vein during dissection for consistent and uniform dissection.
- PTFE V-Glide surface and flexibility of dissector rod minimize drag and resistance and improve ease of dissection.
- The V-keeper gently encapsulates the vein to minimize potential damage to it during cauterization. It is designed to set up the proper branch tautness and work in concert with the V-cutter for optimal sealing and cutting.
Ease of use
- Integrated device minimizes the number of connections and steps, such as the first-of-its-kind integrated bipolar cord.
- Unique wiper that immediately improves visibility in one activation.
- And the Terumo Method, a proven method for optimal two-pass dissecting and one-pass harvesting.
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