Practical skills and clinical interpretation in digestive endoscopy

The hands-on course “Practical skills and clinical interpretation in digestive endoscopy” organised in partnership with Spitalul de Oncologie Monza took place today, successfully gathering the healthcare professionals for an insightful #MedicalEducation session.

The speakers presented the basic techniques of hemostasis and endoscopic resection, along with the basic methods in ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography). The theoretical part was followed by the much awaited hands-on part.

The doctors used the most innovative technology, the #FUJIFILM new CAD EYE™️ function for real time colon polyp Detection and Characterisation utilising AI technology.

We take the opportunity to show our appreciation to our speakers who shared their knowledge and practical skills for the benefit of the patients.

➡Dr. Andreea Bengus, Primary Physician Gastroenterology
➡Dr. Bianca Smarandache, Specialist Physician Gastroenterology
➡Dr. Andrei Voiosu, Primary Physician Gastroenterology
➡Dr. Theodor Voiosu, Primary Physician Gastroenterology